Pulse Entertainment, Inc.

Shoot various community related feature stories for their annual awards gala

Shoot various exhibits and aquatic events

Videographer/Editor for national and international press

Co-Produced and provided productions services for the Universal Decleration of Human Rights commemorative video.

Produce weekly sports reports for Atlanta Journal Constitution.

Weekly Atlanta Falcons sport reports.

Shoot, produce and edit weekly Atlanta Falcons video reports.

Produce and shoot various video news releases for media distribution and internal video projects.

Produced the award-winning series “Choices and Consequences.

Production services for "Our World" and "The Business Report"

Provide production services for various campaigns.

Production services for various in-house video productions.

Produce varies year end videos and shoot varies events

Produce video news releases to introduce varies new lines of vending machines for Coca-Cola products.

Produce, edit and shoot national sports feeds.

Videographer and Field Producer for the "My Style, My Way" Tour

Red Carpet Videographer.

Field Producer for the first-ever video news release to introduce the media to Tiger Wood's Junior Golf Clinic.

Production services for the live broadcast of the 2008 DNC convention

Production Coordinator for the NFL 1st Round Draft photo shoot

Videographer and editor for varies video productions

Production services for promotional events

Shoot various PSAs